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Peruvian ‘alien mummies’ are fraudulent artefacts
The small figures from Peru that were claimed to be aliens are no more than an assemblage of bones from several different animals, held together with modern glue!
by Andrew Sibley
Ichthyosaur graveyard points to Noah’s Flood and the Ice Age
Incredible fossil evidence points to Noah’s Flood and post-Flood Ice Age.
by David Thomas
Humans mostly find rodents repulsive, but lots of creatures love this one.
by Warren Nunn
The sloth: Slowest mammal on Earth
This creature may lack speed, but its special features make gripping reading.
by Craig Perman
Can the Ica Stones be independently authenticated?
Thousands of engraved rocks, many depicting dinosaurs—are they authentic ancient artifacts?
by David Woetzel and Dennis Swift
Post-Flood log mats potentially can explain biogeography
Animals dispersing around the world by either land bridges or rafting is accepted by both creationists and secularists.
by Michael J Oard
Roraima pollen
An evolutionary paradox still not solved.
by Emil Slivestru
80 whales buried mysteriously in Chilean desert
Marine graveyard is dramatic evidence for Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker
Darwin’s ‘savages’
Darwin supported a missionary society for years—but why?
by Russell Grigg
The birds of the Galápagos
Darwin thought he saw evolution, but these island birds really support the biblical Creation/Fall/Flood/Dispersion model.
by Lita Cosner and Jonathan Sarfati
A river like no other
On Charles Darwin’s Beagle voyage, his geological observations using Charles Lyell’s book reinforced his belief in long ages, and underpinned his later evolutionary ideas. But modern geology denies many of his interpretations.
by Emil Silvestru
Darwin and the Fuegians
Darwin used the indigenous people of Tierra del Fuego to illustrate his ideas about human evolution. How could he have been so wrong?
by Russell Grigg