Feedback 2008
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Slipshod logic in Creation for Kids?
19 Apr 2008
A friendly critic gives us the chance to explain biblical teachings about the entrance of evil into the world, and when, and defend an astronomical creation argument.
Was Dawkins stumped?
12 Apr 2008
Our Frog to a Prince DVD shows the Apostle of Atheism unable to provide an example of information increase in the genome. See timeline, raw footage, and answer to critics.
by Andrew Lamb
CMI and Spetner questioned on soundness of science (R)
29 Mar 2008
Evolutionists often confuse mutational change with adding information. But random changes overwhelmingly destroy information, that is, meaning.
Clearing the name of Christ (R)
22 Mar 2008
A critic seeks to attack creationist arguments that link Darwinism with horrors such as the Holocaust.
Professing Christian claims CMI site is 'full of lies' (R)
15 Mar 2008
Baseless accusations of dishonesty are to be expected from misotheists, but they are bizarre from professing Christians. How can they be answered? Also, WWJD?
The Hebrew language and Messianic prophecies (R)
08 Mar 2008
What does the Hebrew Bible really say about the coming Messiah and the days of Creation? A Jewish Christian helps a gentile Christian respond to Jewish ‘anti-missionary’.
Is it theoretically possible for wolves to give birth to a poodle?
01 Mar 2008
Since all dog breeds descended from wolves, then could today’s wolves (theoretically) give birth to a poodle?
Mercury’s magnetic message is not yet clear
16 Feb 2008
How well do creationist predictions line up with observations of Mercury’s magnetic field? Rebuttal to NAS appreciated; available as PDF.
by Russ Humphreys
An information-gaining mutation in HIV?
09 Feb 2008
Is a ‘novel’ gene discovered in 1988 an example of ‘new information’ arising by mutation?
Creationism, Science and Peer Review
02 Feb 2008
‘If creation is really science, then why isn’t it published in secular peer-reviewed journals?’
by Andrew S. Kulikovsky
Why use apologetics for evangelism? (R)
26 Jan 2008
Why should Christians even bother to defend the faith? Mainly, because Scripture commands us to! And it has practical benefits of helping people come to faith and retain it, while refusal to defend the faith leads to apostasy.
How to win a debate about abortion
19 Jan 2008
Abortion is one of the great atrocities of our age. So how can we argue successfully against it, especially against the decree, ‘leave your faith out of politics’?