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God and the extraterrestrials
by Werner Gitt
Dissolving the Fermi Paradox
Oxford scientists cast doubt on intelligent life outside Earth; Elon Musk says this is all the more reason to colonize space.
by Paul Price
Off the planet!
A leading evolutionary scientist believes that a cosmic ‘greeting card’ could have been left in our DNA.
by By Gary Bates
Is the whole creation fallen?
Did Adam’s sin really affect the whole universe?
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
ET needed evolution
There's something ET needed more than a spaceship, in order to reach Earth. And Charles Darwin provided it.
by David Catchpoole and Gary Bates
Extrasolar planets: a challenge to biblical cosmology?
A challenge to biblical cosmology?
by David Coppedge
How to deal with experiencers
Gary Bates gives some strategies for talking with people who believe that they have seen or been abducted by extraterrestrials.
by Gary Bates
NASA shock: ET from Earth
NASA’s quest for alien life has hit a very terrestrial snag.
by David Catchpoole
The ‘face’ on Mars
A myth based on the evolution-inspired belief in ‘aliens’ might now be put to bed.
by Gary Bates
Prepare ye the way—the aliens are coming! Part two
Disclosure! A much-desired proclamation by the UFO community about alien visitations to the earth, might not be far away. Are we prepared?
by Gary Bates
The Fermi Paradox
According to evolutionists, the universe should be teeming with life … but they just can’t find any.
by Gary Bates
Does denying the existence of alien life ‘limit God’?
A correspondent, while acknowledging that we reason biblically, thinks that it limits God to deny the existence of alien life. Is he right? We respond.
by Carl Wieland