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UFOlogy: the world’s fastest-growing ‘scientific’ religion?
Belief in extraterrestrial life and UFOs has all the hallmarks of a religion, except it’s one that’s backed by numerous scientists.
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
NASA astronaut Ed Mitchell says aliens are with us
An American hero rocks the establishment with his spectacular claim of having ‘inside knowledge’ about UFO cover-ups. However, there is more to Ed Mitchell than meets the eye.
by Gary Bates
Sirius the documentary
A new UFO movie makes some startling claims about alleged evidence of alien visitations. But people need to look below the surface claims.
by Gary Bates
God and the extraterrestrials
by Werner Gitt
Reaching out at Roswell
Thousands flock to Roswell to commemorate an alleged alien crash landing, but it is really about exploring and trying to understand their place in the universe.
by Gary Bates
Dissolving the Fermi Paradox
Oxford scientists cast doubt on intelligent life outside Earth; Elon Musk says this is all the more reason to colonize space.
by Paul Price
Off the planet!
A leading evolutionary scientist believes that a cosmic ‘greeting card’ could have been left in our DNA.
by By Gary Bates
Is the whole creation fallen?
Did Adam’s sin really affect the whole universe?
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
Two perspectives on near death experiences
How should we interpret experiences of people who claim to have seen the afterlife?
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
Hawking fear of aliens
Stephen Hawking worries that ET will be two-billion-years ‘more evolved’
by David Catchpoole
ET needed evolution
There's something ET needed more than a spaceship, in order to reach Earth. And Charles Darwin provided it.
by David Catchpoole and Gary Bates
Extrasolar planets: a challenge to biblical cosmology?
A challenge to biblical cosmology?
by David Coppedge