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Page 10 of 13 (149 Articles)
Disconnected from reality
Why the trend to move away from the solid truth of God’s Word to subjective moods and feelings?
by Grant Zippel
Question Evolution Day
Darwin’s birthday should be a day to question evolution! How should we present the truth?
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
God and the beginning of the universe
Could God have entered into time?
by Shaun Doyle
“Theology made reject creation”
A reader asks for help responding to someone who says, “It was theology, not science, that turned me off to creation.”
by Lita Sanders
When we let the doubts win
Is there a way back to trusting God again?
by Shaun Doyle
See no truth, hear no truth
A society where all views are allowed, or only ‘approved’ views? Who decides? What do evolutionists fear that they feel the need to ridicule or oppose creationists?
by Lucien Tuinstra
The unexpected history of scientific naturalism
A review of Science Without God? by Peter Harrison and Jon H. Roberts (Eds.)
by Daniel Davidson
The fingerprintless family
Rare mutation in a Bangladeshi family means they lack fingerprints. Is this evolution in action?
by Phil Robinson
The conversation that never happened
A conversation that never happened.
by Thomas Fretwell
Does CMI’s commitment to Scripture mean we throw out contrary evidence?
A reader asks us to clarify whether CMI has a blind allegiance to the Bible.
by Keaton Halley
How can we tell who is right in the origins debate?
Is there a simple way to make such a decision?
by Shaun Doyle
Exposing counterfeit science
Counterfeit science is worthless information. The details do not support the conclusions being drawn from the evidence.
by CMI editors