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OT scholar: Genesis teaches a short timescale
Old Testament professor: Genesis 5 and 11 are accurate and gap-free timelines that teach a ~6,000-year-old earth
by Jonathan Sarfati
Carol Cleland’s case for historical science—part 1: devaluing experimental science
Is experimental science overrated?
by John K. Reed and Peter Klevberg
Hybrid approaches to Creation
Is there a middle ground between thousands and billions of years? Can the earth be hundreds of thousands of years old?
by Robert Carter
Design: just a trick of the mind?
Life looks like it was designed. Is that impression nothing more than like seeing bunnies in clouds?
by Shaun Doyle
Is bias a bad thing?
Christians and atheists have presuppositions that affect how we interpret facts and evidence.
by Lita Sanders
The origin of human consciousness
We humans may think our self-awareness marks us out as special but atheists insist it’s merely an illusion brought about by our brain chemistry. Why, then, do cognitive scientists, psychologists and philosophers fail to explain consciousness?
by Dominic Statham
Consciousness is not an emergent property of matter
Taking apart the argument that says consciousness, rather than being a product of the supernatural soul, emerges from the complex physical structure of our brains
by Paul Price
Does the Bible tell us how God created?
Does it give us a timetable? Does it give us the mechanics of how the parts came together?
by Chris Smith
Christian apologists trip over the age of the earth … again
A Christian advocate of millions of years of death and ‘natural evil’ before Adam is challenged to answer the dilemma this poses, namely that it implies that the Creator God is a moral monster.
by Thomas Fretwell
Rebuilding Noah’s Ark: getting the facts straight
Could Noah’s Ark have been a giant coracle, as claimed by British Museum curator Irving Finkel in his translation of a Babylonian tablet?
by Russell Grigg
Unintelligent Design?
Evolution, it is claimed, removes the need for a designing intelligence of life on Earth, but this amounts to the logically absurd proposition of ‘Unintelligent Design’.
by Mike G Matthews
Braterman ‘slam dunk’ flunk
Retired anti-creationist professor gives grade ‘F’ advice to followers.
by Andrew Lamb