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Should Genesis be taken literally?
How would the original readers have understood it?
by Russell Grigg
How old was Cain when he killed Abel?
Did Cain have to wait until after Seth was grown up to get a wife?
by Robert Carter
Is Jesus Christ the Creator God?
Jesus’ miracles showed His power over creation—no need for evolution.
by Russell Grigg
The Incarnation: Why did God become Man?
Why did the Creator take on human nature? How does this relate to Genesis creation and even before that?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Who really is the God of Genesis?
Does Genesis chapter 1 mention the Trinity?
by Russell Grigg
Jesus on the age of the earth
Jesus believed in a young world, but leading theistic evolutionists say He is wrong.
by Carl Wieland
The flat-earth myth and creationism
Many antitheists assert that Christians of the past believe in a flat earth, so were the bane of Columbus. But Christian scholars have almost always accepted the earth’s roundness.
by Jerry Bergman
The use of Genesis in the New Testament
Why should New Testament scholars care about the interpretation of Genesis? Because the New Testament quotes it frequently—as history!
by Lita Sanders
Our Triune God
How do we explain how God is Three in One?
by Lita Sanders
Why did Jesus wear a crown of thorns?
What’s Easter got to do with biblical creation? Everything in fact! The thorny crown and crucifixion of Jesus on that first ‘Good Friday’ harks back to Genesis chapter 3.
by Phil Robinson and Colin Jones
Does the Bible say pi equals 3.0?
Does the Bible say pi equals 3
by Russell Grigg
Replenish the earth
How come Adam and Eve were told to ‘replenish’ the newly created earth with their descendants if it had never been previously filled?
by Carl Wieland