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Page 22 of 26 (310 Articles)
Interpreting Genesis
Why is it so important to interpret Genesis as reliable history?
by Carl Wieland, Jonathan Sarfati
Vintage Journal: Genesis 1 and the gap theory
Correct exegesis with close attention to syntax and semantics supports the plain reading of Genesis 1
by Charles V. Taylor
Is the Bible our sole final authority?
How do we know which books should be in the Bible which should not?
by Lita Sanders
Is Genesis poetry? and Who was the father of hermeneutics?
This weekend feedback discusses the origin of the non-literal interpretation of Genesis, and who deserves the title ‘Father of Hermeneutics’.
by Lita Sanders
One man, one woman
If this is what the Bible teaches, then why did some men have many wives?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Strategy of the Devil
by Russell Grigg
Curse and catastrophe
There have been three occasions when the whole of sinful humanity has been judged by God.
by Russell Grigg
Who was the serpent?
Did a snake really speak to Eve?
by Russell Grigg
Indian creation myths
The evidence is substantial, the conclusion undeniable. Throughout the Americas various groups share similar, detailed creation accounts that mirror Genesis and mirror accounts from virtually every culture on the planet.
by Calvin Smith
A single-celled irony
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by David White
The Issue of Issues
Christianity’s enemies have long recognized that this is the key issue at which all battle lines converge. (And no, it’s not creation/evolution.)
by Carl Wieland
The Wisdom of God: Jesus or a created thing?
A reader asks about a pastor’s claim that the first thing God created was Wisdom.
by CW (with addendum by Lita Cosner)