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Page 23 of 26 (310 Articles)
The Wisdom of God: Jesus or a created thing?
A reader asks about a pastor’s claim that the first thing God created was Wisdom.
by CW (with addendum by Lita Cosner)
Using the Bible to prove the Bible?
Jesus’ words break the circle.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Politicizing Scripture
When politics becomes the measure for a Bible translation, it is a perversion of Scripture, no matter whose politics are involved.
by Lita Sanders
Is Jesus ‘just a product of His time and place?’
A correspondent asks whether Jesus’ claims to deity might simply be made up ‘to separate the faithful from their money.’ Lita Sanders responds.
by Lita Sanders
Augustine young earth creationist
Those who want to fit deep time into the Bible often cite Augustine in support. However, Augustine was a young earth creationist, as a scholar of Augustine’s works reveals.
by Prof. Benno Zuiddam
The ‘gender neutral’ Bible
‘Inclusive’ versions of the Bible distort the message of Scripture to avoid being offensive.
by Lita Sanders
The flat-earth myth and creationism
Many antitheists assert that Christians of the past believe in a flat earth, so were the bane of Columbus. But Christian scholars have almost always accepted the earth’s roundness.
by Jerry Bergman
Romans 5:12–21: Paul’s view of literal Adam
Many passages in Scripture require Adam to be historical. Among them is Romans 5:12–21, where a historical Adam is contrasted with the historical Jesus.
by Lita Sanders
Roman Catholicism and Genesis
A Roman Catholic priest and Ph.D. physicist shows how biblical creation was the traditional view of the Church Fathers and medieval Church Doctors and makes sense of science.
by Michael Oard
Age of the earth
Data from many different sources point to a young age for the cosmos; not billions of years.
by Don Batten
Gospel Dates and Reliability
When were the Gospels written? How long was this after the events they record? Should they be trusted if they were written decades later?
by Lita Sanders
London Times reports that the Bible is not anti-female: is this news?
The Bible is the most female-friendly book around, in contrast to the female inferiority taught by the early Darwinians. What did the purity laws mean?
by Lita Sanders