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Tall molars did not evolve from eating grass
Some scientists connect changes in the grasses that animals ate and the development of teeth.
by Michael J.Oard
Tailbone “serves no purpose”?
New York Museum of Natural History misleads the public.
by Keaton Halley
From a frog to a … frog!
The incredible transformation from tadpole to frog defies evolutionary explanation.
by Adrian Bates
A giant hoax
Have people really found skeletons of giants?
by Lita Sanders
Celebrating gender confusion
How should Christians react when the media glorifies what Scripture condemns?
by Lita Sanders
Was there really no death before the Fall?
A correspondent asks: Was there really no death before the Fall? What about bugs and bee stingers?
by Lita Sanders
The human nose knows better than we thought
The human sense of smell is a lot more sensitive than was thought.
by David Catchpoole
The human body—God’s masterpiece
A simple overview of something we often take for granted—our own body—reveals a profound and awesome work.
by Joseph Paturi
The opossum’s tale
The opossum of the Americas confounds ‘just-so’ stories to explain Australia’s weird mammals.
by Lael Weinberger
Our brain: Do we use only a small portion of it?
A big question about the most complex structure in the universe
by Carl Wieland
Bird breathing anatomy breaks dino-to-bird dogma
A new discovery about bird thighs and lungs seems to be the ‘nail in the coffin’ for the popular notion that they evolved from dinosaurs.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Can’t drink milk? You’re “normal”!
For years, lactose intolerance was regarded as abnormal.
by David Catchpoole