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The human body—God’s masterpiece
A simple overview of something we often take for granted—our own body—reveals a profound and awesome work.
by Joseph Paturi
Is the human male nipple vestigial?
Evolutionists often argue that some organs are a throwback to our evolutionary past because they don’t seem to have a function. Is this true of the male nipple?
by Jerry Bergman
Your appendix … it’s there for a reason
by Ken Ham and Carl Wieland
Are wisdom teeth (third molars) vestiges of human evolution?
Several factors have been found to be important in causing third molar problems.
by Jerry Bergman
Can’t drink milk? You’re “normal”!
For years, lactose intolerance was regarded as abnormal.
by David Catchpoole
Bone building: perfect protein
For bones to deposit the hard calcium mineral in the right place, they need the protein osteocalcin. Recent discovery of its crystal structure shows that it binds calcium in exactly the right geometry for proper crystal growth.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Tailbone “serves no purpose”?
New York Museum of Natural History misleads the public.
by Keaton Halley
Darwin vs. the eye
by Tom Wagner
What were Adam’s and Eve’s blood types?
Since God made Eve from Adam’s rib, would their blood types be identical? So how do we explain different blood types now?
by Jonathan Sarfati
A giant hoax
Have people really found skeletons of giants?
by Lita Sanders
Celebrating gender confusion
How should Christians react when the media glorifies what Scripture condemns?
by Lita Sanders
Why don’t we live as long as Methuselah?
Modern science is catching up with what the Bible tells us about people living for hundreds of years.
by Jonathan Sarfati