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Creation-based conservation for the Red Panda
Can creation-based conservation provide a better solutions than evolution-based attempts?
by Matthew Cserhati
Baraminology suggests cryptic relationships among Caprimulgiformes
Is the bird order Caprimulgiformes a single created kind?
by Matthew Cserhati and Jon Ahlquist
Baraminology data filtering method based on entropy measurement and its application in dinosaur and cephalopod data sets
Applying a data filtering method to help clarify created kinds in dinosaur and cephalopod datasets.
by Matthew Cserhati
Hierarchical clustering in dinosaur baraminology studies
Baraminology studies need adjustment to properly reflect the biblical distinction between flying animals like Archaeopteryx and land animals like dinosaurs.
by Matthew Cserhati, Brian Thomas, and Joel Tay
The universe isn’t old, it’s just tired!
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy (disorder) of the universe increases through time.
by James (Jim) R. Hughes
The not-so-ponderous pelican
These masters of the intricate dance between waves, wind, gliding, and long-distance air travel show design, not evolution.
by Michael Eggleton
Amazing ammonite animatronics!
Scientists build amazing animatronic ammonite models to investigate their swimming abilities, but this demonstrates their intelligent design rather than evolution.
by Gavin Cox
Galápagos finches, rapid speciation, and recent creation
Darwin’s finches have been a poster child for evolution for more than a century, but recent genetic analysis reveals God’s creative brilliance and how He created species to change over time.
by Robert Carter
The warrah—shrinking dates for the Falkland Islands wolf
Better explained in the biblical framework.
by Andrew Sibley