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Page 7 of 38 (447 Articles)
Sharks thriving—in an active underwater volcano
by Clare Williams
Beetle bloopers
Despite what evolutionists say, mutations are not evidence for evolution but rather evidence against it.
by Carl Wieland
Why reindeer eyes turn blue in winter
From summer gold to winter blue, reindeer eyes are designed to optimize vision during the winter twilight “blue hour”.
by David Catchpoole
Dynamic drones
A new drone using flapping ‘wings’ for lift has many advantages.
by Gavin Cox
Smart slime
The single-celled slime mold Physarum polycephalum has a memory, and makes smart decisions, yet lacks a central nervous system.
by David Catchpoole
Tremendous trilobites
Amazing eyes show amazing design and confound evolution
by Gavin Cox
Will the future be embodied?
Cryonics tries to sell us the idea of continuing future life by cleverly freezing our current bodies. But is this compatible with Scripture? Is it even scientifically feasible?
by Lucien Tuinstra
The magnificent ‘flying’ frog
Whether gliding or parachuting, these forest frogs are adapted to the air
by Don Batten
Is ‘female’ the most ‘basic’ human state?
Are men merely composed of ‘add ons’ to a basic ‘female’ template?
by Shaun Doyle
The mysterious giant squid
Despite scoffers over the years, the ‘legends’ and ‘stories’ about these creatures from seafarers are actually based on fact.
by Paula Weston and Carl Wieland
Whale sharks
Whale sharks are amazingly designed, and have 'teeth' on their eyes instead of eyelids for protection.
by Gavin Cox
Arthropod responses to the 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens—implications for Noahic Flood recovery
What can the response of arthropods to the 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens tell us about post-Flood ecological recovery?
by Keith H. Swenson