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Page 15 of 38 (447 Articles)
Having your cake, and eating it
Evolution is often claimed to explain something and its opposite, so it certainly should not be called science, rather an unfalsifiable ideology!
by Lucien Tuinstra
Zippy zonkey
When Ziggy the zebra gave birth …
by David Catchpoole
The tapir
‘Primitive’? A ‘hodge-podge of leftovers’? Or something else?
by David Catchpoole
Sick, suffering monsters and the eugenicists who created them
How did eugenics give rise to many of the modern dog breeds?
by Lita Sanders
Answering question about 5G and COVID-19
People have concerns about the new 5G technology. Other mix in fear of the coronavirus to stir the pot of conspiracy theory. The answers are actually easy to find.
by Dr Robert Carter
Fake spider fossil passes peer review!
A fossil spider fooled experts and was published in a scientific journal. Since fossils are often used as weapons in the war of worldviews, what cautionary lessons can be learned?
by Phil Robinson
Termites—to the glory of God!
How termites reflect the glory of their Creator.
by Don Batten
Electric spider flight
Spiders use electric fields in the atmosphere to help them get airborne
by Philip Bell
What should Christians think about artificial selection and genetic modification?
Is it ok for humans to modify organisms? What about human-animal hybrids? We discuss the biblical and ethical guidelines for Christians in today’s world of rapidly developing biotechnology.
by Matthew Cserhati, Gary Bates
The blue rose
Why couldn’t one be bred?
by Gordon Howard
The Octopus
“Said to have ‘alien biology’, and are ‘too brainy’ for their age!”.
by David Catchpoole
Animal death before the Fall
Does God care anything about animal death and suffering? The Bible says ‘yes’. It’s part of God’s nature.
by Paul Price