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The fish with ‘four eyes’ (Anableps)
The best explanation for Anableps is that it was created on Day 5 of Creation Week.
by Russell Grigg
What! … no potatoes?
Governments are recognising the need to preserve the ‘wild’ varieties of our food plants, with their rich stores of information. Plant scientist Dr Don Batten explains how this highlights the fallacy of evolution.
by Don Batten
The amazing sea horse
The father gives birth and it has no evolutionary links. It may be the world’s most baffling fish!
by David Juhasz
Slimy secrets
What has one foot, is small, and can go over anything? (Hint: it has a wonderfully slick method of locomotion!)
by David Catchpoole, Australia
From a frog to a … frog!
The incredible transformation from tadpole to frog defies evolutionary explanation.
by Adrian Bates
Super shells
The giant conch shell has been hailed by evolutionists as ‘one of nature’s greatest engineering masterpieces’. What makes it so special?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Hibernation, Migration and the Ark
A tiny marsupial that can hibernate for over a year—should we use this to help ‘explain’ the feasibility of a year-long journey by animals on the Ark?
by Carl Wieland
Brisk biters
by Carl Wieland
The magnificent migrating monarch
by Jules Poirier
Modern medicine?
by David A. Wise
Ants—swarm intelligence
Ants: swarm intelligence
by Paula Weston
The Kiwi
Evolutionists are divided over whether the kiwi—a unique bird found only in New Zealand—was ever able to fly.
by Christine McDonald