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Page 6 of 11 (131 Articles)
Pole vaulting and creation
Why does a pole-vaulting champ think that biblical Creation is vital for the Gospel?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Seven ways to build a lighthouse
Equipping your children with as much information as possible is the best antidote to the onslaught they will face in a secular classroom.
by Tricia Wright
The importance of the age of things
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
Does creation damage Christianity’s credibility?
Do compromising interpretations of Genesis help apologetics?
by Lita Sanders
Is it ok to be a Christian and believe in evolution?
Can you be a Christian and believe in evolution?
by Joel Tay
What would life be like without creation ministries?
It causes people to think about the issues by making them realize that there is an issue to think about in the first place.
by Gary Bates
Evolution and the Christian faith
The first man Adam? Original perfection in Eden? The Fall into sin? Noah’s Flood? For modern evangelicals to disregard Genesis 1–11 as history enhances rather than harms Christianity, doesn’t it?
by Philip Bell
A very tired Christian
A Christian says he’s tired of the creation-evolution debate. Dr Don Batten explains its importance, documents how it has helped people come to Christ, and cites biblical encouragement for the weary.
by Don Batten
Why did God make such a big universe?
Does our size relative to the cosmos mean we’re insignificant in God’s eyes?
by Shaun Doyle
Conversions in the land of the rising sun
Good news as creation scientist Werner Gitt tours a country notoriously difficult for evangelism.
by Carl Wieland
Genesis and Generation X
by Geoff Stevens
Was Adam a UFO (unidentified figurative object)?
by David Shackelford