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CMI is a youth-oriented ministry!
CMI is a ministry for youth, not just for technical specialists.
by Paul Price
Is human sexuality binary?
In a recent interview, atheist Professor Richard Dawkins argued for a traditional understanding of human sexuality. Of course, this is what the Bible has always taught.
by Andrew Sibley
Craig Adam Templeton
William Lane Craig, historical Adam conference, Homo Erectus, Templeton Foundation, Keathley.
by Jonathan Sarfati
‘Dinosaur Age’ bacteria revived from deep sea bed
Biologists can’t understand how seabed bacteria dormant since the ‘age of dinosaurs’ have been revived with full functionality
by David Catchpoole
UFOs, dark matter and Hugh Ross
A curious reader asks about dark matter, and a connection to the spirit realm.
by Gary Bates
‘Beginnings’ before Genesis 1:1?
Does the dependent clause reading of Genesis 1:1 support the compatibility of the Bible with ‘billions of years’?
by Shaun Doyle
Must God give people a chance at salvation?
God is perfectly good. Does that mean he must give everyone a chance at salvation?
by Shaun Doyle
Darwin’s Arch collapses … and joins a growing collection
… and joins a growing collection
by Jonathan O’Brien
“The Bible is not a science book!”
Compromise undermines the Gospel
by Gary Bates
Gentleman geologist leads Jurassic journeys
Gavin Cox interviews Creation Geologist John Matthews about his career and experiences in the oil industry and his conversion to Christ and creationist
by Gavin Cox
Astounding ammonite buried in Noah’s Flood
Ammolite is a rare, iridescent, gem-quality material cut from the fossilized shells of extinct sea creatures. We have Noah’s Flood to thank for their appearance.
by Tas Walker
The universe isn’t old, it’s just tired!
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy (disorder) of the universe increases through time.
by James (Jim) R. Hughes