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Feathered pterosaurs: ruffling the feathers of dinosaur evolution
Ruffling the feathers of dinosaur evolution.
by Joel Tay
Vietnamese emperor sees flying dragon
The Birka Pinhead
Viking ‘Dragons of the Sea’ defy evolutionary theory
by Philip Robinson
Graveyards of small dinosaurs
Evidence for a dinosaurian Galapagos, or a snapshot of the Flood?
by Emil Silvestru
Kevin Anderson creation scientist Challenging evolution with science
This Creation magazine interview, completed before Kevin’s relatively sudden and recent tragic passing, is previewed here to honour the life of a remarkable man.
by Robert Carter
Pre-Flood predatory dinosaur interactions and the fossil record
Carnivorous dinosaurs pre-Flood: Wouldn’t lots of apex predators be problematic for the biblical creation perspective?
by Philip Bell
Thunder lizard handstands
Amazing fossil trackways confirm deep Floodwaters
by Phil Robinson
T. rex dinosaur relatives found buried together
Did T. rex relatives live and die together, or are the scientists right that these Teratophoneus fossils were buried together in a flood?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Some strengths and weaknesses of the polymer shield explanation for soft tissue fossils
Does the evidence justify invoking this mechanism to preserve soft tissues for millions of years?
by Brian Thomas, Stephen Taylor, and Kevin Anderson
Pterosaurs—one of the strangest animals God ever created
One of the strangest animals God ever created
by Jerry Bergman
Review of Jurassic World: Dominion
Read our review of Jurassic World: Dominion. What are some of the newer dinosaurs in the movie, and were dinosaurs and pterosaurs feathered?
by Joel Tay, Phil Robinson
A dinosaur made by the Flood
The story of Ultrasaurus
by Kevin Lamoure