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Photographing God’s creation
Wilderness adventurer and photographer Bill Boehm tells how nature reveals its creator
by Ron Neller
Chimps ‘natural killers’ after all
As evolutionists ponder the propensity of chimps to kill other chimps, they are not rushing to the conclusion that this explains why humans kill humans.
by Carl Wieland
Over-engineering in nature: an evolutionary conundrum
Natural selection can only select for the attributes an organism needs to survive, so how is it that creatures are endowed with a whole lot more than necessary?
by David Catchpoole
Smaller fish to fry
Dramatic reductions in fish size disappoint anglers and surprise many evolutionists
by David Catchpoole
Rails derail Darwinism
Flightlessness is devolution, not evolution.
by Matthew Cserhati
Puzzling over evolution of language
The ‘great apes’ are not-so-great at providing clues as to our origins
by David Catchpoole
Different understandings of origins?
How important are different understandings of origins?
by Shaun Doyle
‘Evolution explains everything about life’
Grandiose claims by leading experts, for evolution’s power to explain ‘everything about life’, are ably combatted in a compelling new book, by 10 PhD scientists.
by Philip Bell
Academia and the press as the bad guys
A review of Spectacle: The astonishing life of Ota Benga by Pamela Newkirk Amistad, New York, 2015.
by Jerry Bergman
Social animals
Does a good society have evolutionary origins?
by Daniel Davidson
How can we tell who is right in the origins debate?
Is there a simple way to make such a decision?
by Shaun Doyle
How on Earth??
Earth’s water didn’t come from meteorites
by Clarence Janzen