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Evolution of multicellularity: what is required?
Another insurmountable hurdle for evolution.
by Shaun Doyle
Fossils in the wrong place?
Yes and no!
by Michael Oard
Is the fish really our ancestor?
A review of Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body by Neil Shubin
by Colin Mitchell
Gladiator—an ‘extinct’ insect is found alive
‘How often do you get to investigate a fossil that has come to life?’ asks one scientist. Good question.
by David Catchpoole
The Amazing Stone Bears of Yorkshire
The notion that petrification processes take thousands of years blown out of the water in a matter of weeks.
by Monty White
Media bias hides the significance of Alaskan hadrosaur finds
Why don’t the media admit that Alaskan hadrosaur bones are not turned to stone, as would be expected in millions of years?
by Paul Price
Whale explodes fossil theory
A macabre scene played out on a floating carcass has an obvious message for evolutionists.
by Tas Walker
Cladistics, evolution and the fossils
How are all those nicely presented evolutionary trees put together? Do they really demonstrate evolution?
by Shaun Doyle
Neandertal genome like ours
Decoding of 60% of the Neandertal genome surprises evolutionists as to how similar it is to modern humans
by Rob Carter
Evolutionary Stasis
Are scientists guilty of using language that serves to distort or disguise the facts?
by Philip Bell
Rodhocetus and other stories of whale evolution
Rodhocetus, a key fossil in the story of whale evolution, proves to be nothing like textbooks and articles portray.
by Don Batten
A fossil is a fossil is a fossil. Right?
Do today’s definitions of the word ‘fossil’ rule out a biblical timescale by default?
by Cecil Allen