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Order or chaos?
‘Hope springs eternal’ as some latch onto chaos theory hoping that it will provide an evolutionary mechanism.
by Martha Blakefield
Recent origin of species
It does not add up for the evolutionary story.
by Don Batten
The Origin of Life: A Problem for Evolution
The Origin of Life: A Problem for Evolution
by David A. DeWitt, Ph.D.
The marvellous ‘message molecule’
by Carl Wieland
The mysterious alien tablet
Delving into DNA’s mind-blowing, multi-layered information system
by Dom Statham
Y-chromosome Adam and the Cambrian explosion
Does what we know about the Y chromosome fit with biblical history? And could there be a connection between sea floor life and the Cambrian explosion?
by Rob Carter
DNA repair mechanisms ‘shout’ creation
The 2015 Nobel Prize for Chemistry highlights that DNA would be useless without the repair mechanisms to preserve it.
by Don Batten
Reading ‘origin of life’ research
What should we be aware of as we try to read the secular literature with a careful and critical eye?
by Shaun Doyle
Mistakes about mistakes
Do common mutations found in humans and apes prove evolution?
by Dominic Statham
Evolution’s well-kept secret:
This ‘dirty secret’ of modern-day Darwinism blows a hole in evolutionary theory a mile wide!
by Paul Price
Origin of life
Not so hard after all?
by Don Batten
The genetic effects of the population bottleneck associated with the Genesis Flood
Is human genetic diversity consistent with Noah's Flood?
by Robert Carter