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Planation surfaces below the Antarctic Ice Sheet
How did they form?
by Michael J. Oard
Valley of Fire, Nevada
How it is explained by the geological processes of Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker
The Sedimentary Heavitree Quartzite, Central Australia, was deposited early in Noah’s Flood
A catastrophic flood best explains the rapid depositional processes that formed a major geological feature in Central Australia.
by Tas Walker
Rapidly carved by channelized Flood runoff
Rapidly carved by channelized Flood runoff
by Michael Oard
How the rocks fit the Flood
Shaun Doyle talks to Tim Clarey about his research career in Flood geology.
by Shaun Doyle
A case for rapid formation of calcareous concretions
These geological structures form much more quickly than was thought!
by Michael J. Oard
Long-distance transport of sediments
Surprising catastrophism in sediments for uniformitarians; is it consistent with the Flood?
by Michael J. Oard
The origin of laminae in shales
Can they form in moving water, consistent with Noah’s Flood?
by Michael J. Oard
‘Billion-year’ fossil ‘balls’ (part 2)
‘Earliest life’ fossils of Bicellum brasieri were buried by Noah’s Flood and not one billion years ago.
by Gavin Cox
The firewalkers
Surrounded by fiery lava and floodwaters, animals left their mark
by Jonathan obrien
South Caspian Basin supports a late Cenozoic Flood boundary
How should we explain one of the deepest Cenozoic sedimentary basins in biblical framework?
by Timothy L. Clarey and Davis J. Werner
The origin of the Grand Canyon by late-Flood channelized flow
Carved as the waters of Noah's Flood retreated—and not by the bursting of a later Ice Age dam.
by Michael Oard