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Page 18 of 27 (314 Articles)
The Sedimentary Heavitree Quartzite, Central Australia, was deposited early in Noah’s Flood
A catastrophic flood best explains the rapid depositional processes that formed a major geological feature in Central Australia.
by Tas Walker
Well-watered deserts
How the Flood solves another Ice Age mystery
by Mike Oard
Rapidly carved by channelized Flood runoff
Rapidly carved by channelized Flood runoff
by Michael Oard
How the rocks fit the Flood
Shaun Doyle talks to Tim Clarey about his research career in Flood geology.
by Shaun Doyle
Waking up to true history
An encounter at a dinosaur park underscores the importance of letting the Bible’s history transform our lives
by Daniel Biddle
How were giant coastal sand dunes formed?
Massive coastal sand dunes were most likely formed both before the post Flood Ice Age, and immediately after the post Flood Ice Age.
by Ron Neller
Land bridges after the Flood
What place do land bridges have in the post-Flood dispersal of animals?
by Michael J. Oard
Earth impacts and the faint young sun
A look at the problems associated with evolutionary origin-of-life scenarios for our world.
by Wayne Spencer
Revisiting the problem of very old landforms
Should landforms like planation surfaces even still exist, if the earth is billions of years old?
by Michael J. Oard
A case for rapid formation of calcareous concretions
These geological structures form much more quickly than was thought!
by Michael J. Oard
T. rex dinosaur relatives found buried together
Did T. rex relatives live and die together, or are the scientists right that these Teratophoneus fossils were buried together in a flood?
by Lucien Tuinstra
The Florissant redwood trees deposited from a Flood log mat
How were all these huge tree trunks deposited?
by Michael J Oard