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Jericho after Joshua’s destruction
Joshua destroyed and cursed Jericho, but did the ancient city lay in ruins forever? No. Archaeology and the Bible agree on the events that occurred at Jericho.
by Keaton Halley
Stunning Stonehenge!
‘Stone Age’ relic of post-Babel construction?
by Gavin Cox
Ancient Roman concrete
The Ancient Romans understood the correlation between natural sedimentary rock and man-made concrete
by Jonathan O'Brien
Were the Egyptian pyramids built before the Flood?
We respond to a YouTube video claiming that we need to re-examine biblical chronology.
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
How old? When archaeology conflicts with the Bible.
Archaeologists discover a spear point “9000 years old”? But it’s far older than either the biblical date for the Flood or Creation. What is the answer to this?
by Gavin Cox
Can the Ica Stones be independently authenticated?
Thousands of engraved rocks, many depicting dinosaurs—are they authentic ancient artifacts?
by David Woetzel and Dennis Swift
Noah’s Ark on a Roman coin!
The oldest coin to depict a biblical scene. What shape Ark does it depict?
by Phil Robinson
The sounds of long-dead languages
Many ancient people left a written record of the spoken word, but it takes hard work to understand the texts.
by Dr Murray Adamthwaite
Answering a moral relativist
A critic says morality has evolutionary roots, and blasts creationists for their “narrow” worldview.
by Keaton Halley
Archaeology supports the Bible
How archaeological evidence shows the Bible is a reliable record of real history.
by Keaton Halley
The Bronze Tree of Sanxingdui
An intriguing archaeological find raises comparisons with the biblical account of the Fall.
by Stephen Brennecke
Belshazzar: The second most powerful man in Babylon
How archaeology vindicated the Bible’s curious claims about King Belshazzar
by Keaton Halley