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James ossuary withstands accusations
Bone box tells of Jesus. After a firestorm of controversy, with accusations of fraud, the ossuary appears to be genuine.
by Chris Ashcraft
Answering a moral relativist
A critic says morality has evolutionary roots, and blasts creationists for their “narrow” worldview.
by Keaton Halley
Bonebox bashers blasted
by Jonathan Sarfati
Who is wrong about the biblical date of the Flood, and the Great Pyramid? Somebody must be wrong somewhere …
John B from the UK writes into CMI questioning the article Time fears the pyramids? How they fit into the true biblical history. Gavin Cox and Gary Bates respond.
by Gavin Cox, Gary Bates
Axing evolutionary ideas—stone dead!
Axing evolutionary ideas—stone dead!
by Marvin Lubenow
Egypt’s Great Pyramid, pre-Flood, or post-Flood? Questions answered!
Commenter believes The Great Pyramid of Giza, was constructed before the Flood. CMI’s Gavin Cox responds.
by Gavin Cox
Göbekli Tepe shows evidence of geometric planning
Göbekli Tepe is one of the world’s oldest architectural sites and is associated with early biblical history. It reveals further secrets demonstrating the mathematical and engineering knowledge of post-Flood man.
by Phil Robinson and Robert Carter
Was Pharaoh Shoshenq—the plunderer of Jerusalem?
Does the evidence line up with the Bible’s account?
by Gary Bates
Jericho after Joshua’s destruction
Joshua destroyed and cursed Jericho, but did the ancient city lay in ruins forever? No. Archaeology and the Bible agree on the events that occurred at Jericho.
by Keaton Halley
The sounds of long-dead languages
Many ancient people left a written record of the spoken word, but it takes hard work to understand the texts.
by Dr Murray Adamthwaite
Stonehenge’s solar secrets
New discoveries at Stonehenge reveal the ancient builders had accurate knowledge of the solar 365.25 day year.
by Gavin Cox
The oldest example of applied geometry in the world
A newly interpreted Old-Babylonian clay tablet reveals a sophisticated understanding of mathematics and survey consistent with the biblical timeframe
by Gavin Cox