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Equivocal carbon dating of ancient footprints in Tularosa Basin, New Mexico
What happens when radioisotope dates conflict with the previously accepted long-age story?
by Andrew Sibley
Were the Egyptian pyramids built before the Flood?
We respond to a YouTube video claiming that we need to re-examine biblical chronology.
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Peruvian ‘alien mummies’ are fraudulent artefacts
The small figures from Peru that were claimed to be aliens are no more than an assemblage of bones from several different animals, held together with modern glue!
by Andrew Sibley
Lost cities of the Amazon
Proof that these modern-day hunter-gatherer tribes once lived in sophisticated urban centres
by David Thomas
The uplift of the mountains
It happened quickly but did not terrify people
by Tas Walker
The Genesis 5 and 11 fluidity question
Many modern scholars believe that the Genesis genealogies contain gaps and cite fluidity as the reason. What is fluidity and why is it wrong?
by Travis R. Freeman
Egypt and the short Sojourn: Part 2
The debate between a long and a short Egyptian Sojourn rages on, but many things in the Bible and Egyptian archaeology correspond to the short Sojourn.
by Robert Carter, Gary Bates
Egypt and the short Sojourn: Part 1
The debate between a long and a short Egyptian Sojourn continues, but there are many things in the Bible and Egyptian archaeology that correspond to the short Sojourn.
by Robert Carter, Gary Bates
Should we trust the Bible?
Since CMI is based on the Bible, why should the Bible be trusted? Does our current text represent the original, and is the original accurate?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Has an ape learned to talk?
Claims circulated widely in the early part of this century that a chimp had learned to talk. When you see our comments on it at that time, it’s no surprise that it hasn’t gone anywhere since.
by Carl Wieland
Exodus 3:14 and God’s immutability
What does God’s revelation about Himself at the burning bush imply about His immutability?
by Shaun Doyle
Why did God give us a book?
Out of all the possible modes of communication, why did God give us a book?
by Lita Sanders