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Page 5 of 12 (133 Articles)
Darwin’s ‘savages’
Darwin supported a missionary society for years—but why?
by Russell Grigg
The awesome wonder of Wilpena Pound, Australia
How the cataclysm of Noah’s Flood explains it.
by Tas Walker
Radioisotope dating of rocks in the Grand Canyon
The discordant ‘dates’ for Grand Canyon rocks point to an episode of accelerated radioactive decay some time in the past.
by Andrew A. Snelling
Darwin’s ‘Imps of darkness’: the marine iguanas of the Galápagos
Darwin called them ‘hideous’; meet the marine iguanas of the Galápagos.
by Tom Hennigan
Geologists see effects of Noah’s Flood in Africa
But their beliefs prevent them recognizing it.
by Tas Walker
A Chinese camarasaurus?
Ancient wine vessel depicts sauropod dinosaur
by Phil Robinson
The remarkable African Planation Surface
A new synthesis of African planation surfaces concludes that there is one large, warped planation surface on Africa, called the African Surface.
by Michael J. Oard
Galápagos with David Attenborough: Adaptation
Attenborough presents the Galápagos islands and their animals as evidence for millions of years, but it is all much better understood as evidence for the biblical account of history.
by Russell Grigg
Footprint fiasco
If radiometric dating is objective science then why do researchers disagree so widely over the results?
by Tas Walker and David Catchpoole
The American badger
Meet the fastest animal digger in the world. It can throw dirt 5 ft into the air, and has even been known to tunnel down through asphalt.
by Jacob Howard
DNA research says Australian Aborigines arrived 50,000 years ago
But how reliable are the ‘molecular clocks’?
by Tas Walker
Stone Mountain, Georgia (USA)
How a catastrophic event helped form an astonishing feature in Georgia’s landscape.
by Tas Walker