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Trappist planets not in habitable zone
Three of the seven planets orbiting Trappist-1, are said by NASA to be in the habitable zone; however, research shows that neither life nor even water have been found there.
by Russell Grigg
What’s a billion years between friends?
How easy it seems to simply adjust an age that does not fit the evolutionary long-age narrative. Sometimes, there are no qualms about changing a ‘date’ by a billion years!
by Lucien Tuinstra
Explaining a misunderstanding about a YEC cosmology
A reader misunderstands time dilation on the fourth day of creation week. Russ Humphreys explains that it really is an ordinary length day according to Earth clocks.
by Russ Humphreys
Kepler-78b: The “scorching lava world” that “shouldn’t exist”
The exoplanet Kepler-78b stuns astronomers, defies evolutionary formation theories
by David Catchpoole
Ceres Surprises
The dwarf planet Ceres is generating wonder and consternation amongst scientists
by Jonathan O’Brien
Explaining nearby objects that are old in time dilation cosmologies
The thinking behind the existence of old objects close to Earth.
by Ron Samec
Why did God make such a big universe?
Does our size relative to the cosmos mean we’re insignificant in God’s eyes?
by Shaun Doyle
SETI@home project closing down
The crowdsourced search for intelligent extraterrestrials known as SETI@home has shut down after two decades of failed searching.
by Paul Price, Gary Bates
Confirmed: physical association between parent galaxies and quasar families
What does this mean for big bang and biblical creation?
by John Hartnett
Debunks many science-related historical myths that demean the Christian faith
Debunks many science-related historical myths that demean the Christian faith
by John Woodmorappe
‘Star witnesses’ to a young creation
In a universe allegedly billions of years old, some clearly visible star features should not exist.
by Don Batten
Conclusive evidence that dust rings around some stars grow into planets?
Astronomers claim they have found a protoplanet forming around a young star, but not so fast.
by Mary Beth De Repentigny