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Stars, their purpose, and people
Astrophysics often ignores God but astronomy truly brings glory to God—and the Bible says quite a lot on the subject.
by Philip Bell
Planets around other stars: Is there life on them?
Planets around other stars are problematic for evolutionary theories. There is no life in them, because they are not suitable homes. And life can’t arise from non-living chemical, even on Earth; rather, God created first during Creation Week.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Genesis: God’s account of how He created
God, not the big bang, created the vast universe in six 24-hour days about 6,000 Earth years ago. Earth is an ideal home for us, and a great observatory of the universe.
by Lita Cosner and Jonathan Sarfati
A ‘space-view’ shift
With new discoveries in space, existing views on cosmology are being challenged, yet the big bang is not going to shift so easily; its adherents are dedicated.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Electron is perfectly spherical
Perfectly spherical electron supports Standard Model of Particle Physics. However, this model undermines big bang dogma because there is still no answer to missing antimatter.
by Jonathan Sarfati
New Images from the James Webb Telescope
Someone writes in to ask about the significance of the new photos taken by the James Webb Telescope.
by Bruce Lawrence
What you need to know about the James Webb Space Telescope
Will it really see the most distant galaxies? Do the quoted distances prove they are billions of years old?
by Joshua Howells and Mark Harwood
Why would a designer leave debris floating in space?
Are cratered planetary landscapes and moonscapes, and colliding galaxies, evidence against an Intelligent Designer?
by Andrew Sibley
Alien Treaty
Should we make a treaty with aliens that might have advanced weapons and could destroy us before we know it? Who would sign it; for the people, for the aliens?
by Lucien Tuinstra
CMI’s response to the ‘electric universe’
We explain why CMI is not interested in entertaining ‘electric universe’ ideas.
by Don Batten
Dark matter search comes up empty
Despite the latest failure to detect dark matter, why do they continue searching?
by John Hartnett
Ancient cosmology and the timescale of Genesis 1
Does the supposed 'flat earth/solid sky’ cosmology of the ancients mean we can read the Genesis 1 days non-literally?
by Shaun Doyle