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Distant starlight and the days of Genesis 1
How should we approach the distant starlight travel time issue? How do we argue against day-age theory?
by Shaun Doyle
Creation in-depth: Cosmic Microwave Background Conundrums
Unexpected features of the Cosmic Background Radiation are hard to explain in a big bang framework.
by John Hartnett
Crisis in cosmology continues with conference of big-bang dissidents
CMI speaker and respected physics professor John Hartnett, who represented his university, gives his impressions.
by John Hartnett
Tension, not extension in creation cosmology
Creationists continue to explore the possibilities of how God caused the cosmos to appear as it does.
by John Hartnett
Dark radiation in big bang cosmology
First dark matter, then dark energy; now another mysterious entity is invented to explain a conflict between theory and observation.
by John Hartnett
Big bang universe “should not actually exist”
In theory, we shouldn’t be here.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Cosmic Inflation: Did it really happen?
Progressive creationist Hugh Ross has declared as fact something about the alleged big bang that even evolutionists want to be true but have not claimed.
by John G. Hartnett
Cosmic storytelling
When it comes to explaining how our universe came into being, widespread speculation is embraced over hard evidence.
by John Hartnett
Have scientists found evidence of a parallel universe?
Could an anomaly found in the map of the cosmic microwave background be from one universe bumping up against another?
by John G. Hartnett
Why look for a new theory of gravity if the big bang cosmology is correct?
Scientists are searching for answers to questions which in theory they shouldn’t even have to ask, especially in regards to gravity.
by John G. Hartnett
Self contradictory atheism
It’s irrational to think there is such a thing as ‘free energy’ in the universe.
by Chris Smith
Ancient cosmology and the timescale of Genesis 1
Does the supposed 'flat earth/solid sky’ cosmology of the ancients mean we can read the Genesis 1 days non-literally?
by Shaun Doyle