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The antikythera mechanism
The Antikythera Mechanism has proven to be an astonishingly complex mechanical computer capable of predicting the planets positions contradicting evolutionary ideas of primitive ancient man
by Gavin Cox
The origin of meteorite chondrules
A naturalistic origin for these is not even in sight.
by Michael J. Oard
Comet conundrum
Where are the small craters expected by the ‘billions of years’ framework on Pluto’s moon Charon?
by Mark Harwood
Ceres Surprises
The dwarf planet Ceres is generating wonder and consternation amongst scientists
by Jonathan O’Brien
Solar wind protects us from cosmic rays
Why do we have solar wind? Startling discoveries by Voyager 2 show its great benefits to life.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The mystery of the moon
Whatever scenario evolutionists invoke, they can’t adequately explain the moon’s origin.
by Dominic Statham
Mars moons mystery
How did Phobos and Deimos come to be so close to the red planet?
by David Catchpoole
The satellites of Pluto
Can naturalistic theories explain their origin and properties?
by Wayne Spencer
How did the Solar System form?
The results of a computer analysis to investigate how the solar system might have formed should cause evolutionists to think again about naturalistic processes.
by John Hartnett
Saturnian ‘pristine’ problem
The evolutionary timeline has a problem: Saturn’s icy rings are too ‘pristine’.
by David Catchpoole
Christmas and Genesis connected by Apollo 8 Astronauts
On Christmas Eve, December 24, 1968, the crew of Apollo 8 read from the Genesis account of creation.
by Jim Mason
The truth about the Galileo affair
Contrary to popular opinion, Galileo was neither a martyr to science, nor the victim of a war between science and faith.
by Dominic Statham