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Darwinism and the Nazi race holocaust
Darwinism and the Nazi race Holocaust
by Jerry Bergman
The atheists’ creation story
The evolutionary worldview is maintained by storytelling and censorship.
by Dominic Statham
Darwin and eugenics
Many evolutionists claim that ‘Social Darwinism’ is a distortion of Darwin’s teaching. Yet he clearly held to many social Darwinist views, and his cousin and son promoted eugenics.
by Bill Muehlenberg
Brain split between atheism and theism
A neurologist describes a case where two parts of the brain seem to have conflicting beliefs about God’s existence, and mockingly asks which ‘entity’ will go to heaven?
by Carl Wieland
Darwinism and World War One
While the Second World War is more obviously connected to Darwinism, it also played an important role in the first.
by Lita Sanders
Darwin’s impact—the bloodstained legacy of evolution
How Darwin’s ideas led Marx, Trotsky, Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot to become mass murderers.
by Raymond Hall
Is Richard Dawkins an atheist?
Professor Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, says he is an atheist, but does he behave like a real atheist?
by Don Batten
Dawkins and Eugenics
Prominent Darwinist and anti-Christian, Professor Richard Dawkins, says he hates to be agreeing with Hitler on the point, but applying eugenics to breeding humans is a pretty good idea after all.
by Carl Wieland
What all atheists have to believe
Have you ever been curious to know what atheists believe? Here are three things that all atheists must adhere to be intellectually satisfied.
by Calvin Smith
Fibre optics in eye demolish atheistic ‘bad design’ argument
Is our eye harmed by ‘backward wiring’? No! Not only is it necessary, but eyes have a fibre optic plate to guide light through the nerve net to receptors.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The alleged ‘backwardly wired’ retina versus Dawkins
Dawkins’ latest book The Greatest Show on Earth purports to provide the proof of evolution. A new discovery further vindicates our refutation, The Greatest Hoax on Earth?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Darwinian foundation of communism
Central to the thinking of its central architects like Stalin, Lenin, Marx and Engels.
by Jerry Bergman