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Dawkins and Design
Some atheists like Richard Dawkins might accept a designer—as long as it is aliens not the biblical God.
by David Catchpoole
The disingenuous and anti-Christian nature of ‘gay rights’ rhetoric
The homosexual rights lobby use some deceitful tactics, and are guilty of glaring double standards. Some of their churchian allies exhibit remarkable eisegetical gymnastics to evade the Bible’s clear teaching.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Atheists credit the Gospel
Two high-profile atheists concede that to get practical help to the poor and liberate them from poverty you need Christianity’s teaching about man’s place in the Universe
by David Catchpoole
How religiously neutral are the anti-creationist organisations?
The NCSE is vehemently opposed to Christians who believe the Biblical account of history, from the beginning. Is that ‘religiously neutral’?
by Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati
Earth Day: Is Christianity to blame for environment problems?
Earth Day: Is Christianity to blame for environment problems?
by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati
‘Hooray for eugenics!’
Last century many religious leaders embraced eugenics, the elimination of the ‘unfit’ from mankind’s breeding pool. Invented by Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton, it reached its apex in Nazi Germany.
by Russell Grigg
The Darwinian roots of the Nazi legal system
Nazis were Darwinists so they did not accept the idea of God-ordained human rights. Instead, they believed that the ‘stronger’ would have the ‘right’ to dispossess and destroy the ‘weaker’.
by Augusto Zimmermann
Answering the ‘new atheists’
Christian author Doug Wilson has met the challenge of the new apostles of godlessness ‘head-on’, teaching Christians how to refute their arguments with ease.
by Lael Weinberger
The Haggard tragedy
When a vocal defender of the Bible’s authority, even one who attacks evolution, is morally disgraced in the public eye, what does that say about the link between evolution and morality?
by Carl Wieland
Answering question about 5G and COVID-19
People have concerns about the new 5G technology. Other mix in fear of the coronavirus to stir the pot of conspiracy theory. The answers are actually easy to find.
by Dr Robert Carter
Christianity, Islam and science: Was modern science birthed by Islam?
Was the scientific method being practiced in Islamic lands centuries before modern science became established in Medieval Christian Europe?
by Andrew Lamb
Atheism—no objective morality?
Does common human agreement on morality make it objective?
by Don Batten