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Pulling back from unbelief?
Restoring a key ingredient to the life of the church makes a huge difference.
by David Catchpoole
Can you love Jesus and reject His Word?
Do we need to ‘unhitch’ the Old Testament from the New Testament?
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
Francis Bacon and the alleged conflict between science and the Bible
Is science independent of Scripture?
by Nicos Kaloyirou
Animals on the Ark
Various old-earth positions have loads of trouble figuring out why God put animals on the ark!
by Paul Price
Paying homage to the stork
What would it take to get you to disbelieve Christianity? One author ‘puts it on the line’ as to why the evolutionary ‘big picture’ so violently contradicts the Gospel.
by Clifford Goldstein
The Bible: is it guilty until proven innocent?
Challenge the assumption that we should be skeptical about Scripture!
by Lita Sanders
Is Christianity unbelievable?
When Christian radio host goes head-to-head with many leading atheists and critics of Christianity, does it leave his faith intact? You be the judge.
by Thomas Fretwell
The importance of the age of things
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
Christian critic calls young-earth creationism “laughable and dangerous”
Response to a correspondent who takes issue with Genesis as literal history.
by Keaton Halley
Could the Flood have been tranquil?
John Fleming proposed a tranquil Flood that left no trace. But then, why are scoffers without excuse? Could there be a tranquil flood any more than a tranquil explosion?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Orthodox on God; ambivalent on biblical literalism; bypassing science; socially conservative
Orthodox on God, ambivalent on biblical literalism, bypassing science, and socially conservative.
by John Woodmorappe
A history of the United Methodist Church’s opposition to creationism and intelligent design
A history of opposition to a literal understanding of Genesis
by Jerry Bergman