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Hybrid approaches to Creation
Is there a middle ground between thousands and billions of years? Can the earth be hundreds of thousands of years old?
by Robert Carter
Sevens in the Bible: a reason to doubt God created in a literal week?
A reason to doubt God created in a literal week?
by Shaun Doyle
Young Earth and Flood: Why they matter
Creation magazine editorial: A pastor and a geologist realize why the young earth and global flood are foundational to the authority of Scripture, the goodness of God, and the Gospel
by Jonathan Sarfati
Cosmic Breakthrough!
Cosmic Breakthrough! A revolutionary new model shows that the compromises urged by Hugh Ross and others on the age of the universe are not only scripturally unsound, but scientifically uncalled for.
Former cancer researcher vs creation compromise
Former cancer researcher explains why evolution is irrelevant to real science, and how evolution undermines the Gospel
by Jonathan Sarfati
A long-overdue review of A Civic Biology
A Civic Biology was the centerpiece of the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial. It is high time to review what was in that textbook.
by Robert W Carter
Does the Bible compel an old-earth interpretation?
Is the Bible so clearly an old-earth book that a young-earth reading is absurd?
by Shaun Doyle
New textbook teaches non-Christian religion of theistic evolutionism
New ‘Christian’ textbook promotes theistic evolution
by Lita Sanders
“If you can’t say something nice…”?
Why it’s actually loving to critique and refute false ideas.
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
How the Scriptures affirm a literal and historical six-day creation
How can we tell that the Bible doesn’t just depict God making the world in six days?
by Shaun Doyle
Craig Adam Templeton
William Lane Craig, historical Adam conference, Homo Erectus, Templeton Foundation, Keathley.
by Jonathan Sarfati
UFOs, dark matter and Hugh Ross
A curious reader asks about dark matter, and a connection to the spirit realm.
by Gary Bates