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Vintage Journal: Pre-Adamites and human fossils
Can the human fossil record, with its evidence of suffering, disease, sin and death, be dated before Adam?
by Marvin L. Lubenow
World Creation stories
Everyone believes in a creation story of some sort, but which of the world’s creation stories have proven to be the most detrimental to a civil society?
by Calvin Smith
Unborn babies may “be planning their future”
Brain scans on premature babies reveal that the unborn may be introspective. What are the implications for the abortion debate?
by Jonathan Sarfati
One man, one woman
If this is what the Bible teaches, then why did some men have many wives?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Are we nothing more than a bag of chemicals?
An academic takes evolution to its logical conclusion—since people are essentially just rearranged pond scum in a Darwinian scenario, how can they be held responsible for committing crimes?
by Dominic Statham
When does the unborn baby feel pain?
Pro-aborts are crowing about studies alleging that the unborn baby feels no pain. But not only are these claims highly debatable, they ignore the real issue.
by Lita Sanders
Atheists credit the Gospel
Two high-profile atheists concede that to get practical help to the poor and liberate them from poverty you need Christianity’s teaching about man’s place in the Universe
by David Catchpoole
Does the Bible allow polygamy?
A correspondent asks about guidance for his country’s new converts to Christ who come from areas where polygamy is common. Another asks about the ‘Hobbit’ classified as Homo floresiensis.
by JS & L Cosner
The Darwinian roots of the Nazi legal system
Nazis were Darwinists so they did not accept the idea of God-ordained human rights. Instead, they believed that the ‘stronger’ would have the ‘right’ to dispossess and destroy the ‘weaker’.
by Augusto Zimmermann
Darwin’s bodysnatchers: new horrors
People deliberately killed to provide ‘specimens’ for evolutionary research.
by Carl Wieland
Obama racism row
‘Disgustingly racist and offensive’ pictures on the internet of America’s First Lady have caused a furore, for which Google executives have apologized. What’s behind it all?
by David Catchpoole
Morals decline linked to belief in evolution
Darwinists object, but it’s linked to belief in evolution.
by David Catchpoole