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What’s wrong with being wrong: a closer look at evolutionary ethics—part 1
Can naturalism ground real morality?
by Marc Kay
Origins myths and the erosion of ethics
Farcical ideas masquerade as science these days, undermining ethics and true human identity.
by Philip Bell
Documentary series ‘DNA Journey’ goes to Africa
We respond to a question about the out-of-Africa hypothesis, Mitochondrial Eve, and consider the implications for the way we value human beings.
by Andrew Sibley
Is human sexuality binary?
In a recent interview, atheist Professor Richard Dawkins argued for a traditional understanding of human sexuality. Of course, this is what the Bible has always taught.
by Andrew Sibley
‘Flattened by the evolution steamroller’?!
Many raised with some knowledge of the Gospel lose interest when exposed to evolutionary teaching.
by Don Batten
The lies of Lynchburg
Enthusiastic disciples of Darwin formulated eugenics laws in America to prevent ‘undesirables’ from breeding—well before the Nazi ‘racial hygiene’ policies.
by Carl Wieland
Transhumanism, and the image of God
Transhumanism holds that scientific and technological advances can be used to improve humanity—at its heart it is a godless movement, and justified by belief in evolution.
by Andrew Sibley
Reclaiming the rainbow
The rainbow is a symbol of God’s mercy to all mankind, but has now been adopted on to the so-called ‘pride flag’, sometimes called the rainbow flag.
by Andrew Sibley
Cancelling Eve
Until quite recently, an article on what it means to be a woman would have been deemed rather absurd. Not anymore. In our post-Christian culture, confusion abounds.
by Andrew Sibley
The passing of a monarch
The death of Queen Elizabeth II is an opportunity for reflection, and gratitude to God, for her Christian life and service.
by Gavin Cox
Exit God, enter death culture
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
The deep and undeniable Darwinian roots of Nazi eugenics
A review of Darwinian Eugenics and the Holocaust by Jerry Bergman.
by John Woodmorappe